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  1. ultraviolet

    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    wait, what? gold and silver came out in 1999-2001. o.o
  2. ultraviolet

    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    oh, I see. we aren't expressing our opinions, we're 'defending our darling Gen III'. I dunno, I just feel like you're being pretty unfair to Hoenn! I get that this is largely personal preference, but whining about luvdisc and how RSE isn't backwards compatible is so moot that it's hardly even...
  3. ultraviolet

    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    yeah I know, but what I don't get is that you're still arguing about it as though it's objectively bad when several people have come up and said that they like it. fascinating! my point was that every generation brings pokemon that kind of suck and pokemon that are kind of neat. I don't battle...
  4. ultraviolet

    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    Gen II introduced Unown, who learns one move and serve more as scenery for the games rather than being actual useful pokemon? Picking one pokemon and going 'see? see? these games are bad because of this one pokemon' is kind of ridiculous, especially since gen 3 introduced a bunch of really cool...
  5. ultraviolet

    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    okay y'know what I never understand when people bring this up. Yes, pokemon rehashes the same pokemon over and over again. This is not something endemic to gen III! Starly and Pidove are obviously rehashed Pidgeys, Sentret is a cuddlier Rattata, there are currently four lines of pokemon based on...
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